It has been suggested that my recent commentary on human sexuality is me attempting to set myself up as God, opens the door for the acceptance of polygamy and the practice of swinging, and is inconsistent with my identity as a follower of Christ.
I would like to take a few moments to respond publicly to these suggestions.
First, the Bible seems to leave a lot of room for fuzziness regarding human sexuality. Swinging? Talk to Abraham. Polygamy? Talk to Solomon. Or David. Or Jacob.
It seems to me biblical laws on sexuality revolve around oppression and purity. We no longer concern ourselves with the mandates against marrying outside our tribe (purity), so that leaves oppression as a primary concern for human sexuality. (The discussion on whether males and females are truly a complimentary reflection of God is a topic I plan to address after the election.)
If you are not oppressing anyone with your sexuality, then your relationship is none of my business nor my concern (except as far as I can be an advocate and ally to you). I will not condemn you as it is not my place. I accept you and love you exactly as you are, and I do not personally find your sexuality sinful. As others have pointed out, it is not my place to say what is and is not sinful. I am stating this as my opinion.
For all I know, I very well could have married outside my tribe and could find out in the end that my own marriage is sinful. That is God’s alone to judge.
I cannot speak to how God may or may not judge. I can speak to my experiences, my understanding of the Bible, and my experience with the Divine Presence. You will find no condemnation from me. Again, I am not speaking for God. I am a follower of Christ speaking for myself.
A follower of the One who again and again showed outstanding mercy. Mercy that stooped down to write in the dirt as one by one the religious officials walked away. Mercy that eventually got Him brutally murdered.
I am not asking anyone to affirm swinging or polygamy. I am not really asking anyone to affirm anything. I am saying I am a follower of Christ who supports the LGBTQ+ community.
You do not have to affirm the LGBTQ+ community with me but neither do I have to accept blows which aim to take away my identity as a follower of Christ. That is not anyone’s to take. That is between me and God.
I would urge anyone who disagrees with me (or disagrees with anyone on anything for that matter) to do so with the grace and love which I have had the privilege of experiencing from many within the Christian Right these past few weeks. To those of you who disagree with me yet honor me with such respect, you have my deepest gratitude.
May grace and mercy abound in His steadfast love as we continue to hold space for these difficult but crucial conversations.
Much love,
Last night, I found this article which gives more food for thought on this issue. I am not claiming I agree with everything in it, but I do believe it raises points worthy of consideration. If you are interested, I hope you will check it out.
You can find my most recent post about the Democratic Party and the LGBTQ+ Community HERE.
You can find details about taking Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Classes with me HERE.